Lead: Dr Md Mizanur Rashid Team: Professor Mirjana Lozanovska Professor Eleanor Suess Dr Igor Martek Dr Maycon Sedrez Dr Chayakan Siamphukdee Mr Stewart Seaton Project Description: Playscape Co Lab- Fostering young creative minds via a co-design initiative with Low SES Primary School, Geelong’ is an innovative project at Herne Hill […]
Shannon Johnston
This project explores unprivileged transnational immigration, industrial architecture and the contractual conditions of labour from the perspective of immigrant subjectivity. It draws from a study of post-war immigrant workers who were recruited to work at the BHP Steelworks in Port Kembla, located on the scenic Illawarra eastern coastline of Australia, […]
Exhibition Theme: Time, Space, Existence Location: Palazzo Mora, European Cultural Centre, Italy Name, Country Mirjana Lozanovska, Australia [With research assistance from Alexandra Florea; model making and representation from Qiaochu Tang, with assistance from Chay Siamphukde, Anthony Swanborough, Greg Shields] Title of the work, year of production Dignity […]
The city of Geelong and its surroundings are changing as large businesses closed and are replaced by luxury residences, hotels, and new office buildings, among other things. As a result, the once- industrial town and its associated architecture are quickly fading from city dwellers’; memories. As a result of development, […]