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Immigrant Industry: Building Postwar Australia

By Mirjana Lozanovska

Published 2024

After the end of the Second World War, migrants were critical to the spatial making of modern Australia. Major federally funded industries driving postwar nation-building programs depended on the employment of large numbers of people who had been displaced by the war. Directed to remote, rural and urban industrial sites, migrant labor and resettlement altered the nation’s physical landscape, providing Australia with its contemporary economic base. While the immigrant contribution to nation-building in cultural terms is well-known, its everyday spatial, architectural and landscape transformations remain unexamined. This book aims to bring to the foreground postwar industry and immigration to comprehensively document a uniquely Australian shaping of the built environment.

[ Book Flyer ]



Contested Architectural Pasts and Futures of a Regional City, Geelong, Australia

Edited By Mirjana Lozanovska & Ursula de Jong

Published 2024

This collection of essays highlights current debates for cities undergoing urban renewal, focussing on regional cities as places that lead change. Like many regional cities, Geelong is grappling with the legacy of its industrial architectural heritage and identity. This in-depth study of the city of Geelong examines theories and realities – from the speculative to the mundane – critical to change pre-empted by deindustrialisation. While this book argues that architecture and the built environment are key to urban renewal, an intersectional perspective on Geelong as a place raises contested pasts and territories. This brings attention to the dispossession of First Nations people by British colonisers, as well as the exploitation of immigrant communities in industrial production. Informed by positions on design futures, decolonising and cultural urbanisms, adaptive re-use and the post-industrial city, the chapters in this book expand an interdisciplinary field relevant to scholars and practitioners in heritage and conservation, urban design, community engagement and place-making more generally.

[Book flyer]



Architecture and the Image at the turn of the 21st Century: After Visibility

By Sanja Rodeš

Published 2024

This book examines architecture, image, and media relationships as productive for architecture and architectural discourses. By arguing that the relationships between architecture and media cannot be dismissed via linear criticism of architecture and media or image, these relations are instead seen as a part of a sphere (a mediasphere) of complex relationships.

[Book flyer]


Edited Journal

Fabrications: JSAHANZ

Co-Editor Mirjana Lozanovska

From 2018 – current

Fabrications is the refereed journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, Australia and New Zealand. Established in 1989, it is devoted to scholarly publication in the field of architectural history. It particularly welcomes papers on the architectural, urban and landscape history of Australia, New Zealand, the South Pacific and South-East Asian regions, while casting its net much further afield. The journal publishes refereed papers, academic essays and book reviews that are both concerned with these regions and papers which take a wider view of international questions or issues.



Affect, Architecture, and Practice: Toward a Disruptive Temporality of Practice

By Akari Nakai Kidd

Published 2021

Affect, Architecture, and Practice builds on and contributes to work in theories of affect that have risen within diverse disciplines, including geography, cultural studies, and media studies, challenging the nature of textual and representational-based research. Although numerous studies have examined how affect emerges in architectural spaces, little attention has been paid to the creative process of architectural design and the role that affect plays in the many contingencies and uncertainties that arise in the process.

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Migrant Housing: Architecture, Dwelling, Migration

By Mirjana Lozanovska

Published 2019

Migrant Housing, the latest book by author Mirjana Lozanovska, examines the house as the architectural construct in the processes of migration. Housing is pivotal to any migration story, with studies showing that migrant participation in the adaptation or building of houses provides symbolic materiality of belonging and the platform for agency and productivity in the broader context of the immigrant city. Migration also disrupts the cohesion of everyday dwelling and homeland integral to housing, and the book examines this displacement of dwelling and its effect on migrant housing.

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Non-Traditional Research

Iconic Industry

By Mirjana Lozanovska, David Beynon, Cameron Bishop, Diego Fullaondo and Anne Scott Wilson

Published 2017

Iconic Industry: Exploring the Industrial Built Fabric of Geelong catalogues the exhibition that was recently on show for six weeks at the National Wool Museum in Geelong. Written by Mirjana Lozanovska, David Beynon, Cameron Bishop, Diego Fullaondo and Anne Scott Wilson, the book contains the exhibited work of the artists Bindi Cole Chocka, Sarah Duyshart, Alex Hamilton, among others.

There are also reflective written pieces from architects and art critics: Peter Malatt, Kim Irons, Susan Ballard and Domi Cordoba, as well as images and text that detail the history of the #Vacant Geelong project, including the Open Studio events, the Industry Tracks Geelong After Dark festival presentation and much more.

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Edited Book

Ethno-Architecture and the Politics of Migration

By Mirjana Lozanovska

Published 2016

Ethno-Architecture and the Politics of Migration explores the interface between migration and architecture. Cities have been substantially affected by transnational migration but the physical manifestations of migration in architecture – and its effect on streetscape, neighbourhood and city – have so far been understudied.

This contributed volume examines how migrants interact with, adapt, and construct new architecture. Looking at the physical, urban and cultural impact of these changes on a variety of sites, the authors explore architecture as an identity category and investigate what buildings and places associated with migration tell us about central questions of belonging, culture, community, and home in regions such as North America, Australia and the UK.


Journal Article

Distinguishing characteristics of corruption risks in Iranian construction projects: a weighted correlation network analysis

By M. Reza Hosseini, Igor Martek, Saeed Banihashemi, Albert P.C. Chan, Amos Darko, and Mahdi Tahmasebi

Published 2020

Distinguishing characteristics of corruption risks in Iranian construction projects: a weighted correlation network analysis.


Book Chapter

The emergence of material systems through anticipation of material properties

By Sascha Bohnenberger, Daniel Davis, and Chin Koi Khoo

In Jane Burry (ed), Designing the dynamic: high-performance sailing and real-time feedback in design, Melbourne Books, Melbourne, Vic., pp.60-63.

Published 2013